Year 10 Drama

In Year 10, Drama students will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills to present drama for purposes and wider external audiences, safely using processes, techniques and conventions of drama. Students develop drama based on devised drama processes and taken from appropriate, published script excerpts (e.g. Australian drama post-1960 or world drama), using selected drama forms and styles. Students will have opportunities to research devised drama and read in selected script excerpts in context. Student work in devised and scripted drama is the focus of reflective and responsive processes. Students are encouraged to develop their use of extended answer forms and interviews, using drama terminology, language and different forms of communication, based on their own drama and the drama of others.

Drama forms and styles for Year 10: Grotowski’s Poor Theatre, Youth Theatre, Contemporary Aboriginal Theatre, Theatre of the Absurd or Butoh.


Desired prerequisite:  A “C”  grade or better in Year 9 Drama and English.

Minimum prerequisite:  A “C”  grade or better in a Year 8 Arts Performance subject and English.



High-achieving students in Year 10 Drama may continue on to ATAR Drama courses in Years 11 and 12.