Year 10 Music

In Year 10, students extend and consolidate music skills and knowledge across a range of performing, composing, aural and analysis activities. They continue to refine aural skills and aural memory to identify, sing/play and notate melodic and rhythmic dictations, chord changes and progressions.

Students explore their emerging personal style and music ideas through combining and manipulating the elements of music, and synthesising stylistic features and conventions when composing and arranging.

Students build on their understanding of meaning and interpretation in musical works, using aural and critical analysis skills to compare and evaluate a range of music, drawing upon knowledge of previously studied works. They use scores and music terminology to analyse and evaluate the use of the elements of music within a context, genre or style, and identify and discuss social, cultural and historical factors.

Students practise and perform a wider range of solo and ensemble repertoire, developing and consolidating technical skills, expression and stylistic integrity. As performers and audience members they are provided with opportunities to develop aesthetic awareness and make informed observations about a range of music and related social, cultural and ethical considerations.



Desired prerequisite:  A “C”  grade or better in Year 9 Music, Maths and English.

Minimum prerequisite:  A “C”  grade or better in a Year 9 Arts Performance subject and Maths and English.



Students undertaking Year 10 Music may have the opportunity to study Senior School options in ATAR, General and Certificate courses.