Year 12 Integrated Science (General)

The Integrated Science General course is a course grounded in the belief that science is, in essence, a practical activity. From this stems the view that conceptual understandings in science derive from a need to find solutions to real problems in the first instance.

This course seeks to reflect this creative element of science as inquiry. It should involve students in research that develops a variety of skills, including the use of appropriate technology, an array of diverse methods of investigation, and a sense of the practical application of the domain. It emphasises formulating and testing hypotheses and the critical importance of evidence in forming conclusions. This course enables them to investigate science issues in the context of the world around them, and encourages student collaboration and cooperation with community members employed in scientific pursuits.



Students should have a demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of scientific inquiry skills in lower school science.


The Year 12 syllabus is divided into two units, which are delivered as a pair. The content within Unit 1 and Unit 2 can be taught in an integrated way in one or more contexts over the year. The notional time for the pair of units is 110 class contact hours.


Unit 3

The emphasis of this unit is on biological and Earth systems focusing on the following topics:

  • Interrelationships between Earth systems
  • Structure and function of biological systems
  • Ecosystems and sustainability
  • Species continuity and change.


Unit 4

The emphasis of this unit is on physical and chemical systems, focusing on the following topics:

  • Chemical reactions
  • Mixtures and solutions
  • Motion and forces
  • Energy


More Information:

For further information regarding this course click here.


Career Pathways:

Click here to view a  selection of jobs that have some relation to the subject of Integrated Science.