AHC21016 – Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management

This course is delivered across two years and is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students. This qualification provides an occupational outcome in conservation and land management. The qualification enables individuals to select an indigenous land management, conservation earthworks, lands, parks and wildlife or natural area management context as a job focus, or a mix of these. Cost of this course is $150 per year.

To attain the AHC21016 Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management 15 units of competency must be achieved. 2 core units plus 13 elective units.

Skills Outline

Some of the key concepts which will be covered include:

  • Recognising key flora and fauna of Western Australia
  • Observing and reporting on plants and animals
  • Carrying out environmental restoration and maintain wildlife refuges
  • Treating plant pests, diseases and weeds
  • Undertaking plant propagation activities and tending to nursery plants

Course Code: AHC21016 Certificate II Conservation and Land Management


Comp CodeCompetency
AHCFAU201Recognise fauna
AHCILM202Observe and report plants or animals
AHCNAR201Carry out natural area restoration works
AHCNSY202Care for nursery plants
AHCNSY203Undertake propagation activities
AHCPCM201Recognise plants
AHCPGD201Plant trees and shrubs
AHCSOL202Assist with soil or growing media sampling and testing
AHCWHS201Participate in work health and safety processes
AHCWRK201Observe and report on weather
AHCWRK202Observe environmental work practices
AHCWRK207Collect and record production data
AHCWRK209Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
HLTAID003Provide first aid
MEM18001Use hand tools