Literacy and Numeracy Competence

In order to meet the requirements for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), students must demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and a minimum standard of numeracy.

There are two parts to demonstrating competence in literacy and numeracy. Firstly, you are required to complete two Year 11 units from an English course and a pair of Year 12 units from an English course.

Secondly, you must demonstrate that you have met the minimum standard for literacy and numeracy, which is based on skills regarded as essential for individuals to meet the demands of everyday life and work.

You can demonstrate the minimum standard:

  • through the Authority’s Online Literacy Numeracy Assessment (OLNA); or
  • if you demonstrated Band 8 or higher in your Year 9 NAPLAN, Reading, Writing and Numeracy tests.

The OLNA is compulsory for those students who have not pre-qualified in one or more of the components through Year 9 NAPLAN. Students will have up to six opportunities (two per year) between Year 10 and Year 12 to demonstrate the literacy and numeracy minimum standard.  There are three assessment components:

  • one 60-minute, 60-item multiple-choice of Reading;
  • one 60-minute, 60-item multiple-choice of Numeracy, and
  • one 60-minute, extended response in Writing of between 300 and 600 words.

