Vaping Prevention and Education Strategy

To maintain a safe and healthy environment at our school, we are committed to preventing vaping through education, awareness, and enforcement of strict policies. This strategy outlines our proactive measures and response protocols to address vaping on campus effectively.


Education and Awareness
Curriculum Integration
  • Incorporate information about the risks and consequences of vaping into health education programs across all year levels.
  • Include vaping education as part of broader substance abuse prevention lessons, focusing on both the health risks and legal implications.
Workshops and Seminars
  • Organise regular workshops for students, led by health professionals, to discuss the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction.
  • Conduct information sessions for parents and guardians to educate them on recognising signs of vaping and understanding its risks.
Peer Education Programs
  • Establish a peer-led education initiative where trained students lead discussions and activities about the dangers of vaping.
  • Promote student-created campaigns, such as posters, videos, and social media content, to spread awareness about the risks associated with vaping.


Prevention Measures
 Vape Detectors
  • Vape detectors installed in bathrooms across the campus to monitor and detect vaping activity.
  • Ensure that the school community is aware of these detectors and their purpose in maintaining a healthy environment.
CCTV Monitoring
  • Use CCTV footage to identify any students present in the bathrooms at the time of a vape detector alert.
  • Review footage only when an alert is triggered to ensure privacy while maintaining a secure environment.
Search and Confiscation Protocols
  • Conduct bag searches when there is reasonable belief that a student has been involved in vaping, with the permission of the parent/carer.
  • Clearly communicate the circumstances under which searches will be conducted to ensure transparency and respect for student rights.


 Enforcement and Disciplinary Action

Strict No-Vaping Policy
  • Reinforce that smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited on any Department-controlled premises, including all school grounds and surrounding areas up to the boundaries.
  • Display clear signage around the school to remind students of the no-vaping policy and its boundaries.
Positive Behaviour Support Policy
  • Apply disciplinary actions to students found vaping or in possession of vaping devices in accordance with the school’s Positive Behaviour Support Policy.
  • Consequences include suspension, mandatory participation in educational programs about the dangers of vaping, or other appropriate measures.
Parental Involvement
  • Notify parents or guardians immediately if their child is in an area when a vape alert is detected, found vaping or in possession of vaping devices.
  • Encourage parents to collaborate with the school in addressing and preventing future incidents.


Support for Students
Counselling Services
  • Offer access to counselling and support services for students who may be struggling with nicotine addiction or peer pressure related to vaping.
  • Encourage voluntary participation in cessation programs for students who wish to quit vaping.
Reintegration Programs
  • Provide support and guidance for students returning from suspension or other disciplinary actions to help them reintegrate into the school community positively.


Monitoring and Evaluation
Data Collection and Analysis
  • Regularly review data from vape detectors, CCTV, and reported incidents to assess the effectiveness of prevention measures.
  • Use this data to adjust strategies as needed and to identify any emerging trends or areas of concern.
Feedback Mechanisms
  • Establish channels for students, parents, and staff to provide feedback on the vaping prevention strategy and suggest improvements.
  • Conduct annual reviews of the strategy to ensure it remains relevant and effective in addressing vaping on campus.

By implementing this comprehensive Vaping Prevention and Education Strategy, we aim to foster a safe and healthy environment for all students and staff at Baldivis Secondary College.